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Australia: Public sector AI usage policy

Last month, we were deep into examining U.S. recommendations for AI usage in government, and I almost overlooked a related development: Australia’s Standard for AI Transparency Statements Supporting the Policy for Responsible Use of AI in Government, released in 2024.

This extremely brief, two-page document outlines essential guidelines for agencies to follow when using AI. It’s refreshingly straightforward and avoids drowning you in technical jargon, which is a rarity in this field.

 The standard essentially requires agencies to include the following in their transparency statements:

1.Why they’re using AI or considering its adoption.

2. How the AI usage is classified based on its purpose and domain (as detailed in an attached guide).

3.Whether the AI impacts the public directly without human intervention.

4. Measures in place to monitor the AI system’s effectiveness, including governance processes.

5. How they ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

6. Steps taken to protect the public from negative impacts.

7. Confirmation of adherence to the Policy for Responsible Use of AI in Government.

8. The date of the statement’s most recent update.

The kicker? These statements must use plain language consistent with the Australian Government Style Manual—no tech buzzwords allowed—and include a public contact email for further inquiries.

What makes this even better is the inclusion of short, non-technical examples showing how AI is used across different sectors. It’s concise, clear, and surprisingly helpful for people without a tech background, proving that AI guidelines don’t need to be 100 pages long to make sense.

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